An internist is a physician who completed a residency in Internal me. We are known as "the doctor's doctor" because we manage complicated cases involving multiple different body systems after receiving training in just about every sub-specialty during our residencies. In practice, we can choose to work in the hospital admitting and caring for acutely ill patients and providing consultations for surgeons, or we can work as a primary care physician in an outpatient clinic, typically caring for patients with a complicated medical history. We are expected to diagnose and treat problems ranging from orthopedic, and psychiatric issues to dermatology and gynecology. Additionally, internists are expected to be adept at medical procedures ranging from injecting joints, starting central lines, draining abcesses and performing skin biopsies.
I went into internal medicine for that exact reason. I fell in love with every single specialty I rotated through, even surgery. I trained at The John's Hopkins Bayview Medical Center which not only holds the rigor and prestige associated with The John's Hopkins, but focuses on the community and the physicians' impact on each individual patient we interact with.
This brings me back to my original question: Why should you see an internist for your injectables and other aesthetic services? No other medical specialty has an understanding of the interaction between a person's general health, medications, and the affect of those conditions on the overall appearance. Not only are we adept at performing procedures, internists always have a plan of action for adverse reactions and emergencies. We don't shy away from complex situations because that's what we're built for! Additionally, most internists, especially those trained at large academic medical centers, have a healthy skepticism for new procedures and devices since we are trained to think about safety and efficacy. I personally require rigorous, objective, well designed studies before I even consider incorporating a new treatment into my practice.
While it is true that not all internists have an eye for beauty, symmetry and balance, but that's when the work must speak for itself.